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Effective Ways To Get Clean Air At Home

5 Effective Ways To Get Clean Air At Home

The quality of air around us has a huge impact on our lives. Poor quality of the air could lead to heart diseases, strokes, etc. People go for health check-ups regularly but often underestimate the quality of air we breathe. Studies also say that the air we breathe inside our home is more polluted than the air outside. There are a number of reasons why air inside is so toxic.

Here are a few ways to purify air at homes

  • Invest in an air purifier: Air purifiers can be effective in reducing the harmful particles from the air. If you have allergies, you should invest in a quality air purifier. They tend to eliminate most of the common-born allergens. So, if you or your child has asthma, make sure you install one in his room.
  • Open your windows: This is one of the simplest but effective ways to improve the overall quality of air. Opening the windows for 10 minutes a day can be helpful in getting rid of harmful toxic substances and improving the indoor air quality. Exhaust fans are also a great choice to push pollutants outside.
  • Himalayan Salt Lamp: A natural himalayan salt lamp is a natural air purifier that can eradicate airborne allergens by removing the moisture out of the air. You can significantly improve the quality of the air by placing a rock salt lamp in the room. Remember, natural salt lamps work great when they are turned on, but they are also considered effective even when they are turned off.
  • Plants: Houseplants are a great way to purify the air. Research suggests that houseplants can purify the air and protect us from the side effects associated with harmful toxins in the air. You can consider some options such as Lady Palm, Aloe Vera, etc.
  • Consider essential oils: Essential oils such as rosemary, clove can help improve the quality of the air. It has been proved that such oils can reduce airborne particles and are capable of killing harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi. You just need to add a few drops of essential oils in lukewarm water and let it sit in your room. This would help in keeping the air clean.
  • Charcoal: Activated charcoal can help in purifying the air indoors. Also known as activated carbon, it has high absorptive properties. It eliminates harmful toxins from the air and makes it clean. Bamboo charcoal can also work as well. So, if you want to breathe fresh and clean air, activated charcoal can be very effective.
Sonal Sareen

Sonal Sareen

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